Thursday, October 21, 2010


For three entire years I spotted ladybugs everywhere. I then stumbled upon a little saying on our adoption blog that ladybugs were a sign that an orphan in china was being matched with a forever family. I then began to notice them in the most unusual places just hoping that we would be getting a phone call a baby was ready.

Anyways this year when Halloween came along I couldn't think of anything better. So I put all my lady friends on a mission and this is what they came up with!Let me tell you that she is such a special little bug. The joy she has brought to our home and life is indescribable!She loves dancing in her outfit and threw a total fit when it was time to take it off.

This week john and I both accompanied her at preschool. We got to spend time in her classroom playing with toys and watching her interact with her teacher and other kids. She absolutely loves the kitchen set at Thomas Edison and makes cupcakes and brings you chocolate ice cream with a spoon and all. My favorite part of the day was eating lunch with her and watching her hold her hand on her heart as they held the flag and said the National Anthem. It was something special!

Tonight John called her You Meng Ke (her Chinese name) and she said "no daddy, my name is Lucy"! My heart sank as I realized that she is no longer that little orphan who sat waiting for love. She is forever a part of our life and owns half of my heart.

Tonight I read her a book and tucked her into bed. I whispered "A butterfly kiss and a ladybug hug! Sleep tight little one like a bug on a rug." she said nightie night mama!

Who knew that good things would come my way with this lady bug.