Sunday, April 28, 2013


I am truly amazed at how God can use a sinner like me for his glory.

A few weeks ago I was asked to share our adoption story with a group called "A child's Hope". Instantly I was thrilled as my closest friends know how passionate I am on promoting adoption.

Tonight I was honored to speak on behalf of the fatherless. I know I am not a great public speaker but it is so humbling to know that I may play a small roll in encouraging others to follow in our path.

I dragged both Lucy and Wyatt with me in hopes that seeing their little faces would make an impact!

My prayer tonight is that just one person in the room would be blessed by choosing adoption as I have and that a seed has been planted!

On another note I leave you with this special event that took place this week. Over the last two months Wyatt has been home he has obtained an obsession with school buses. He loves that they are big, yellow and pic up kids! Well with permission of the district superintendent on Tuesday we rode a Bus! And yes it was yellow and big. We drove home over 50-60 kids in an hour and a half it dawned on me that a lot of good goes on in this world! Something so simple yet important in the eyes of a child!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Melanie said...

Georgene, what a mom you are! Who would think to ask the superintendent if your child could ride a school bus? You go, Mama! That's awesome. Wyatt will always remember that. So glad God gave you an opportunity and the grace to speak about adoption. I agree with you....It's an amazing experience and you want to share it with everyone - even shout it from the mountain tops!

likeschocolate said...

How fantastic!

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