Monday, May 6, 2013

U mad at me?

Today was beautiful!
7am cooked breakfast= grits, potatoes hash browns, eggs, toast and fresh fruit, oh my.

My family loves this kind of treatment and I'm afraid they will frown at tomorrows cereal! Lol

Then while I cleaned out our Rv my kids played hard running around the yard picking me dandelions:)

After a swim in the kiddy pool, 3 changes of cloths, 100 laps around the driveway showing me how they ride their bikes and tricks. We then had nap time, cooked lunch time then time to exercise:)
This mama made it 14 miles with two in tow in the bike trailer. Packed with stickers, sippy drinks, snacks, leapfrogs, baby dolls and of course a school bus! We made it with only three potty breaks:)
Thank the lord we live in the country and both of my kids are conditioned to a squatty pot! At one point Lucy asked if we we're lost because it was taking so long.

After unloading to reload the dishwasher I realized I have cooked 3 large meals for my family! After 6 loads of wash, bath time, and this photo shoot...

Wyatt then proceeds to ask me as I kiss him goodnight, "mama, you mada at me?"
After laughing I wonder why he asked me this, then to discover that this was his only ploy to stall me from going to sleep:)

My heart is so full and blessed by my family. Tonight I realize at times we want something we don't always have, but we seldom stop to see the most beautiful things right in front of our everyday boring eyes!

Good night my love, I say as I head down the stairs and no mamma is not mad, (so chuckle chuckle )GO to Bed!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Wolfcale Rd,Convoy,United States

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