Sunday, May 19, 2013


This photo of Lucy was taken of her first day of preschool when she just turned 3. I remember thinking of how scared she looked to get on the bus. Her book bag almost bigger than her little body!

Three years of preschool at Thomas Edison and she has really grown up to be a sweet little lady.
This photo is of her last day!

So confident, funny and girly! As he stepped onto the bus I called out her name...Lucy

And As she turns she says " I know mom, you love me"!!

It's a moment I'll cherish forever!
This weekend we celebrated with chocolate cake, a bike ride to the park

And some down time relaxing at home. Jb bought the kids a kite and who knew this $3 prize could entertain us all for the afternoon:)

Life is so precious, I plan on cherishing every day with the family God gave me!!

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1 comment:

likeschocolate said...

She is lovely and what a miracle that is unfolding before your eyes!