Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Jet lag has finally lifted and the last few days we have really been enjoying our time together as a family!

A little pop corn and a sippy juice and Wyatt is content chillin with his sister! We enjoyed some movie time together as a family!

This last week we did our best to be productive getting physicals, 7 vaccinations, a baby book translated, attending a birthday party, a play date and a couple of visits to preschool accomplished. It feels good to get into a routine at last!

Some of the questions I've had:

How is Wyatt's English ?

He is a very smart little boy who is catching on quickly! He gets pretty much anything when he asks please and replies with a thank you and your welcome:)

How is Lucy doing?

Yesterday they hugged and kisses naturally showing their love for one another! Each day she realizes we still love her and the green eyed monster has ran away!


Although we can't catch up on lost time, we are at a great place with Wyatt sleeping in his own bed without crying for two nights!


As for American food he LOVES everything Except ice cream and has already gained two pounds:) as for jb, Lucy and I we are thrilled to come home to ten home cooked meals and deserts from our friends! There is no greater gift than yummy home cooked comfort foods:) Thank you to those who took time, money and effort to cook and deliver dinners we truly appreciate you all and hope only to pay that forward!

Today I express how thankful I am to have Wyatt in our home and a part of our family! He truly is a gift from God!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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